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Film production behind the scenes with cameraperson in New Brunswick

À propos

de l'adhésion

Changer le paysage de la production cinématographique en une seule voix collective.

L'adhésion à Média NB est également offerte aux producteurs, aux professionnels de l'industrie des médias et aux amis de l'industrie des médias. Apprenez-en plus sur la bonne option pour vous ci-dessous.

Inscrivez-vous maintenant et recevez une adhésion gratuite qui sera automatiquement renouvelée le 31 août 2025 !

Membership Types

Video Camera Lens


Industry Professional

A non-producing entity or individual actively engaged as a supplier or service provider within New Brunswick's film, TV, and animation industry.


Associate Member

Any company or individual with an interest in the media industry in New Brunswick.

 Associate Members do not have voting privileges and are not eligible to offer for elected positions but may serve on Committees.(Open Canada-wide)


Producer Member

Companies or individuals engaged in the creation of film, TV, and/or animation production, including service production. 

Additional Producer Member Criteria:  Producer Members must have produced at least one of the following:  1. A full-length feature film (as producer or service producer);  2.An independent short film (other than a student, workshop or in-house project) of five minutes or longer that has screened at a recognized festival;  3. A broadcast television program of 30 minutes or longer;  4. A digital media production that received funding from the Canada Media Fund, Bell Fund, Independent Production Fund, Nova Scotia Film & Television Production Incentive Fund, and/or has achieved distribution on a reputable nationally recognized platform;  5. At least five minutes of professional audiovisual commercials (broadcast).

Des questions ?

Nous sommes ici pour vous aider.

Si vous avez des questions sur l'adhésion à Média NB ou sur la façon de vous impliquer davantage, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements. Vous trouverez également des réponses sur notre page À propos de l'adhésion. 

Film production on the beach with production crew in Atlantic Canada
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