Become a Member!
"Changing the landscape of film production as a single, collective voice"
Media NB membership is available for producers, media industry professionals, and friends of the media industry. Learn more about the right option for you below.
Join today! Membership fees are currently waived until August 31, 2025!
Membership Types

Producer Member
Companies or individuals engaged in the creation of film, TV, and/or animation production, including service production.
Additional Producer Member Criteria: Producer Members must have produced at least one of the following: 1. A full-length feature film (as producer or service producer); 2.An independent short film (other than a student, workshop or in-house project) of five minutes or longer that has screened at a recognized festival; 3. A broadcast television program of 30 minutes or longer; 4. A digital media production that received funding from the Canada Media Fund, Bell Fund, Independent Production Fund, New Brunswick Television & New Media Industry Support Program Development Incentive, and/or has achieved distribution on a reputable nationally recognized platform; 5. At least five minutes of professional audiovisual commercials (broadcast).
We're here to help.
If you have any questions about Media NB membership or how you can be more involved, please email us for more information. You will also find answers on our About Membership page.